5 Steps to Complete Empowerment and Ease in Stress

life satisfaction Aug 20, 2017

[2 min read, 10 min watch]

What if you could be completely stable and clear even when you’re while feeling stressed? What if you could extract the power from all the stress and use it to your benefit and for the benefit of others? These are simply some of the many results you will see in your life if you test the solution given in this week’s vlog.

My name is Mia and it so nice to share what has worked for me and countless others around the world through the Balanced View Training.

The theme this month in Bright is Life Satisfaction. Thank you for all your incredible shares and engagement, you are helping to make this theme so empowering and alive for this growing community around the world.

Life has stressful moments, for some it is stressful years, for others it feels like our entire lives have been stressful!

In today’s vlog, I share with you about some life events over the last years, where I felt intense stress and deep personal challenge. Then how due to the power of Balanced View’s Empowerment Network, I was able to remain stable, relaxed, clear and able to be of benefit to myself and others during these stressful periods. I will share five powerful instructions to test when you feel stressed, so you can feedback and let us know how it goes for you.

I really hope this vlog is of support to you in your journey of gaining confidence in the inherent stability, clarity and benefit of open intelligence in your life.

Stress can stem from life events like these, or sometimes intense work circumstances, money concerns or relationships, yet, also stress can be more subtle, for example continually being hard on ourselves, indulging in anger and hatred, jealousy, having expectations of ourselves and others that are unreasonable, not liking the way we look, act and are.

Most of us have learned to rearrange the data, the thoughts, emotions and circumstances to relieve our stress. We try and make more money, get into better or different relationships, work harder, longer, faster. When grieving we may drink, eat, exercise to take the pain away, or neutralize our heartbreak. We may yell at our kids when feeling overwhelmed, and most of us have thought at some point, “get me out of here” (wherever that may be) sometimes it's just a get-me-out-of-life-period!

I was so lucky to discover this Training many years ago and be introduced to the ultimate solution for stress and I really have to thank Candice the founder of Balanced View. In fact I thank her each day as I reflect on the immense ease, satisfaction and benefit in my life. It's that different! I acknowledge this everyday because I am in awe.

I guarantee if you join fully for a solid month, begin to put into practice the key points and instructions, your sense of life satisfaction will shift dramatically. At the end of this month, we will share next steps for life satisfaction and empowerment in all of your life! It’s so helpful to know that there is warmth, care and support available while testing this out.

Next Steps to Extract the Beneficial Power from Stress in Your Life

If you like what you hear and you would like to find out more, I’d invite you to explore the free Be the Power Course to learn all about open intelligence, the practice of short moments and how you can start to enjoy the benefits today!

Please also visit us in the Bright Community Facebook Group. It’s truly amazing, alive with daily interaction, real life questions and precise responses from Trainers. It’s true empowered community in action.

Then on Friday, you can join me for the Facebook Live in the group at 9am PT / 6pm CET, where I will expand on the topic of empowering stress in daily life. Please bring your questions and topics, I would love to respond personally to you.

I look forward to being with you.

Mia & the Bright Team

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