Born Into a Land of Precious Jewels

life satisfaction Sep 10, 2017

 [1 min read, 6 min watch]

You were born into a land of precious jewels, and you can end the search for peace and life satisfaction today.

Really! Imagine! This can be the first day of the rest of life without seeking anything because you have found everything.

I’m so happy to join you for the vlog this week, where I share with you exactly how you can end the search today and activate a life of peace and complete satisfaction.

Being introduced to the true nature of mind, vast open intelligence that is always bright, clear and indestructible, by an authentic teaching and teacher is the greatest good fortune.

Having found this priceless gift, it feels like an unavoidable, unstoppable heart wish to make the most of this immeasurable treasure. To make the most of this precious human life. To make the most of our natural strengths and talents. We all are like royal heirs, born into a land of precious jewels, of endless opportunity.

This is the opportunity of the Balanced View Training, available to you and anyone who is passionate to recognize and live as your true nature.

On Friday, we had an incredible Online Training, the first we have offered of this kind. People from all over the world signed up to receive the introduction to open intelligence and learned how to activate a life of true freedom, empowerment and love.

If this is also your passion, the Four Mainstays are an incredible platform to find out just how powerful you are to be of benefit in every single moment of life, in each and every relationship. Starting with ourselves. Because often it is ourselves who we struggle the most with.

If you weren’t able to join us on Friday, you can sign up for the free Bright Power Training replay right away and start to access the treasures available to you. 

In this week’s vlog, we are focusing on one of the most exquisite jewels in the Four Mainstays: the Twelve Empowerments Training.

Special Opportunity for Your Next Steps

So you can receive the greatest value and results from the Twelve Empowerments Training, we want to offer you this special opportunity, if you sign up before Friday 15 September:

  • A special Twelve Empowerments Facebook Group with Community and Trainer support, inspiration and resources.  
  • Weekly Q&A sessions with Mia, myself and other Trainers for twelve weeks as you go through the Twelve Empowerments.
  • Upgraded commentary videos based on your shares and experiences throughout the Training, so they are uniquely tailored to you. Co-creating this together is the best!

Mia and I will have a Facebook Live Q&A about the Empowerments, this Friday 15 September 9am PT / 6pm CET in the Bright Community Facebook Group. Ask us anything, we will be there just to answer any questions you might have about the Four Mainstays, how you can get the same results as the Trainers and thousands of participants around the world, and also any practical questions you might have about the Twelve Empowerments.

You get access to the Bright Community Facebook Group by signing up for the Bright Power replay.

We can’t wait to see you there!

Jochen & the Bright Team

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