How to Get the Awesome Benefits of the Twelve Empowerments in Your Life

twelve empowerments Jun 28, 2017

[1 min read, 9 min watch]

In this week’s vlog I share with you my experience of the Twelve Empowerments. When you’re passionate about something, it’s hard not to share everything you know about it, so I’ve tried to keep it brief and leave you to discover the gems of this awesome Training for yourself!

In 2006, I was lucky enough to be invited to do the Empowerments in Rishikesh, India. My reservations about whether this would work for me quickly made way for a real excitement for what I was directly experiencing as a result of the Training.

After 30 years of trying to modify or fix my negative thoughts and emotions in order to find well-being, I discovered that none of them needed to change for me to live a totally powerful and beneficial life. The actual recognition of the indivisibility of open intelligence and data started to become obvious to me. It was totally amazing to have the promised result actually come about in my own experience. This is what the Twelve Empowerments and the Four Mainstays continues to empower for me and many many people around the world.

In this vlog, I share with you how the Empowerments were for me, the relationships that were harmonized, and the profound transformation in myself and in relation to my own (still the same!) thoughts and emotions.

You will learn more about the skillful, step-by-step structure and the confidence that you can have in this truly genius process.

The best thing is, it’s all about your experience, so I can’t wait for you to dive in and share how it is going for you. I just know it will be the greatest thing you have done in your life.


Next Steps to Get the Benefits of the Twelve Empowerments

If you are keen to get started, jump into the Bright Community Facebook Group, we’d love to hear from you and answer any questions you might have. If you haven’t done so yet, you can go through the Be the Power course to begin with and then move onto the Twelve Empowerments. Here is the full overview of information about the different options to participate. Let us know if there is anything you need, we are totally here to support you.

I’ll see you there in the Facebook Group.

Adrian & the Bright Team


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