How to Have Ultimate Health, True Well-Being and Always-on Benefit

four mainstays health Jul 26, 2017

[1 min read, 4 min watch]

Hi there!

It’s amazing to be back with you after two most precious and powerful weeks of training with Candice O’Denver – the Founder of Balanced View.

For anyone I’ve not met yet, I’m Erik. I will be with you for this week’s vlog, where I respond to a brilliant question posted to the Bright Community Facebook Group about health issues and how Balanced View can support in this area of life.  It’s a topic we can all relate to; sooner or later, we are all going to face sickness, either for ourselves or with a loved one. So it’s a profound and essential gift to get to know the always-on stability, openness, love and empowerment available to each of us through open intelligence.

Before discovering Balanced View, I really felt I needed a healthy body to experience well-being and be of benefit in the world. Engaging with the Empowerment Network of Balanced View – the Four Mainstays – Practice, Training, Trainers and Community – I found I was not a victim to my thoughts and emotions and could relax with everything more and more as it is. The result of this is an increasing sense of life satisfaction, innate well-being and the capacity to contribute powerfully in my life regardless of circumstances.

Amazingly, over the last couple of years, I have been more ill than ever, yet have had the most exalted, easeful and powerful time of my life! I know, conventionally, this just doesn’t make sense. The only way for you to know if this is true, it is to test it out for yourself.

So if you want to know more, please watch my vlog. Here you can learn about some of the incredible ways that the Four Mainstays have empowered me to discover ultimate health, natural self-care and assurance in my beneficial power, regardless of my physical health. 

How to Have Ultimate Health, True Well-Being and Always-on Benefit

If you want to explore how the Empowerment Network of Balanced View can provide you with life satisfaction, well-being and empowerment in your life circumstance, I can highly recommend to join the free Be the Power Course and Bright Community Facebook Group today.

Joining the Facebook Group, you will see quick and real results. You get Weekly Facebook Lives and Trainers available to answer questions within a few hours, we regularly post Training Media and there is a vibrant Community of mutual support and empowerment.

I cannot recommend the group and free course enough – the results are amazing. I’ll be in the Group on Friday for the Facebook Live at 6pm CET.

I look forward to seeing you there!

Erik & the Bright Team

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