How You Can Access the Community and Enjoy Beneficial Potent Results

community four mainstays Jun 14, 2017

[1 min read, 8 min watch]

Anything we learn or do in life is a lot more fun and easier if we are together with people who share the same passion. If you are passionate about getting to know your stable fundamental intelligence, and how you can live an amazing life totally empowered for the benefit of all – then connecting with others engaged in this interest is an awesome way to go.

In this week’s vlog, I share with you about the power of Community – the fourth Mainstay – and how you can best participate to get immediate and long-lasting results. My experience of being with Community relying on the Four Mainstays is just so powerful, and the beneficial potent results were obvious from the beginning and have only grown magnificently over time. 

There are many ways you can connect with Community, in this vlog I share with you a few so you can start today:

  1. Join the Bright Facebook Group.
  2. Join an Online Training together with friends from around the world, a Trainer and a powerful text from Candice.
  3. Meetup with Community in a local area – look on the Balanced View website to see where people are meeting up around the world for face-to-face meetings.

“Just show up” is the advice I was given at my very first Open Meeting. I was invited to come and hang out, and in that way the results that were spoken about would become obvious in my own experience – guaranteed. It’s amazing because I can sit here today and give you the very same guarantee – it works! You show up and the ease, benefits and power of open intelligence grow in your own life in all experiences and all relationships. The empowerment and benefit are infectious – in the most amazing way.

Next Steps

Enjoy the blog and don’t forget to share with us in the comments below or in the Community Facebook Group how it’s going for you – what are the benefits you see of engaging with Community?

See you soon,

Adrian & the Bright Team

P.S. If you haven’t joined the Facebook Group yet, you are so welcome to sign up for the free Be the Power Course and jump right in. – I’ll see you there!

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