The Solution for Complete Fulfillment in Work and Money

life satisfaction Aug 13, 2017

[1 min read, 17 min watch]

I would love you to ask yourself these questions: How much money do you think you need in order to just relax? How much freedom in your work do you think you need in order to feel perfectly free? How would you feel if all your savings were gone overnight?

If I look at my own life, work and money are two areas where I always had lots of  tension. Even though I was successful and had a great life on the surface, hope and fear ran wild: the fear of lack or being a failure, and the hope to have more or be a success. I had all sorts of strategies I employed in order to feel better – avoiding, indulging or replacing my thoughts and feelings. However nothing was a permanent solution, the struggle was always on to change what I thought or how I felt, no matter how successful or good my life was, or how well I was managing my relationship with work or with money.

In this week’s vlog, I share with you two key stories from my own life and how I experienced the miraculous empowerment of open intelligence in relation to work and money. You will come to see how through the Balanced View Training, you too can discover total confidence in your own capacity in every circumstance, and an unshakable stability, wisdom and innate clarity free of niggling fear and underlying tension.

You get the simplest of practices: short moments of open intelligence, repeated many times, until wisdom and benefit are present at all times. By putting short moments into action you find complete fulfilment, innate peace, complete relaxation is available to you in all of life.

Take up the August Life Satisfaction Guarantee?

It’s simple.

  1. Watch the vlog.
  2. Participate in the free Be the Power Course and join the Bright Community Facebook Group.
  3. Put the tips and instructions you hear along the way into practice.

I know that with this commitment you will experience an increasingly deep abiding sense of clarity and satisfaction in all circumstances.

Sounds amazing, right? Let us know how it goes.

Next Steps and Join Us Live

We would love to see you in the Be the Power Course and Bright Community Facebook Group and receive any questions you might have, e.g. What is a short moment? How do I practice? What are the results I can expect?

We will respond to your topics in the group directly and also in our Friday Facebook Live. This week, I will be joined by a new special guest, so please join us at 9am PT / 6pm CET, where we will expand on the exciting topic of work and money and true life satisfaction.

I can’t wait to see you there!

Jochen & the Bright Team

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