Your Empowerment Network for a Life of Benefit to All

four mainstays May 25, 2017

[1 min read, 5.5 min watch]

We look for what works in life, what gives results. If we want to be empowered and enjoy total ease and wellbeing in all experience, then we want to know what will enable this.

I used to live a life ruled by anxiety, panic attacks, anger and fear. All of these things, I thought I needed to change in order to just be ok. When I found the Four Mainstays, everything changed. I knew the search to find peace, empowerment and wellbeing was over.

Simply through using the empowerment network of Balanced View, my experience of life is of an always-on pervasive ease, openness and connection.

My thoughts and emotions have not changed. The Four Mainstays bring this shift about. It’s truly remarkable and so exciting.

The Four Mainstays Make It Easy

Through showing up to the support system – taking short moments of open intelligence, watching talks, being in touch with a Balanced View Trainer, connecting with community – you will quickly start to see the results come about for you.

It is really important to know, that it’s up to you. If you want open intelligence’s beneficial power to be obvious in yourself, your life’s activities and those around you, then you need to train it up.

The excellent news is that the Four Mainstays make it easy. In today’s vlog I share how you can access them to benefit the world today.

Next Steps to Use Your Amazing Empowerment Network

Join the Be the Power Course, then share your insights and ask any questions in the Community Facebook Group. Let us know if there is anyway we can support you.

See you soon,

Adrian & the Bright Team

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