Your Handbook for Living a Beneficial, Powerful and Stable Life

twelve empowerments Jun 21, 2017

[1 min read, 6 min watch]

During the Springtime of 2004, I was offered the opportunity of a lifetime, one that would change my life forever, bringing unimaginable benefit and tangible practical results. The very first Twelve Empowerments was scheduled, and I jumped right in! This was truly one of the most important decisions I have ever made.

The Empowerments are the Handbook for living an easeful, happy and stable life, where love and benefit are prioritized effortlessly as we rely on open intelligence and allow each datum to be as it is. After only the very first day, immediate benefits were recognizable. For example, after a lifetime of feeling victimized by my thoughts, emotions and experiences, and really believing they had a power to affect my well being, I felt such immense relief to know, and directly experience that this is not the case.

I am Mia Castle, it’s great to meet you. I am a Balanced View Trainer and I am so happy to be with you for this week’s Bright vlog.

I will share how through the step by step process of the Empowerments, I saw core relationships empowered and harmonized in unimaginable and life-changing ways. And how you too can discover the potent ease, relief and power of open intelligence in your own experience, see your relationships flourish and start to live and contribute to your life, your family, friends and the world in truly incredible ways.


Next Steps

If you are already inspired and can’t wait to see how the Twelve Empowerments training can profoundly impact your life for the benefit of all, the online training is now live and open for your registration. You can read more here about the options you have available to you. 

Be sure to join me this Friday also for the Facebook Live at 9am PT / 6pm CET in the Facebook Group, I would love to receive your questions.

We would also love to hear your experience with the Twelve Empowerments, if you have already participated or are doing that right now. Comment below or find us in the group and share with us about the empowerment you have discovered, any challenges you faced and what benefit you found from implementing the tools and instructions of the training.

Have a great week and we can’t wait to hear from you!

See you soon,

Mia & the Bright Team

P.S. if you haven’t joined the Facebook Group yet, you are so welcome to sign up for the free Be the Power Course and start your journey to complete empowerment today!

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