Your Voice Matters

relationships Nov 13, 2017

[1 min read]

An essential aspect of Balanced View is inviting participants to share their direct experience. This has been key from the very beginning; it is part of every Balanced View training and community group, and fundamental to enlivening the benefit of all, together.

Through the support of the Four Mainstays, we gain increasing confidence in open intelligence, unleashing clarity, insight, discernment and wisdom that already exists within us. How wonderful to then have a platform to share with and actively contribute to the Balanced View community! We are invited to give a voice to the transformation that is naturally occurring in our lives; to speak up and share our insights and direct experience of the benefits and results of relying on open intelligence.

What is your direct experience? We can’t wait to hear!

Your Voice Matters!

Your voice matters to us! We would love to hear your experience so far of the Balanced View Training, your view, what has worked and what you feel could have served you more.

The input of each of us who take up the Training informs the furthering, responsiveness and refinement to meet people most powerfully and where they are at.

Next Steps – Share Your Voice

Over the last months, we have had the focus of Empowering Challenging Relationships. We invited you to join in, test out the Four Mainstays and see for yourself the impact and results. We would love to hear from you!

  • What benefits and results do you see?
  • What would you like to see more or less of for coming themes?
  • Are there any other topics or themes you would like us to focus on?

How You Can Share

  • If you have been part of the last months theme, please complete the short survey – your view is pure gold to us!
  • Post to the Bright Community Facebook Group about your experience, ask any questions for clarification.

If you haven’t yet accessed last week’s free 90-min Training, you can join the replay here.

We can’t wait to see you there!

Mia & the Bright Team

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